Cheese, Sex, Death: A Bible for the Cheese Obsessed, brings me life
A reason to get through my weeks, day by day, praying on my knees at the gospel of Cheesus. Mostly waiting for my next paycheck to buy my next batch of cheese to try. But also, a new hyper-fixation to fill my Saturday morning reading, I currently need all the books on cheese. So please, drop your best recs!!!
This is the kind of book, where I read it, and I felt magic. The writing, the pictures, the topic! Like how Erika Kubick took a love for cheese as a way for LIFE is beyond me and I’m completely envious. Mostly, because I didn’t think of doing this and instead of studying anthropology. Please someone find a way to preach Anthro as Erika did Cheesus, and I’ll be doubly impressed. Or maybe not, because it seems I have converted. Cheesus is life where Anthro is death, and I am living for Cheesus, well before I die for Anthro.
I am now on the path of Cheesus, with my biggest obsessions and loves being creamy blues and buttery triple creams, put these at my alter and I shall melt like warm Brie.
Don’t let this title fool you, this is not a bible on how to die and get to your almighty God, but rather, how to live properly and experience heaven on Earth, with Cheesus. Convert with me and enter the true bliss, also please enjoy the mini series on Jess With Cheesus and revert to older pictures of Jess Without Cheesus to understand the true power of this true love and Gospel.
Erika is God and Cheesus is the Gospel, follow her commandments on living through Cheesus and death is irrelevant, a minuscule aspect of living surrounded by Cheesus.
Cheesus Bless, Erika! Thanks for making me Cheesus Obsessed.
Love always,
P.S. Let me know if you want to be bffs and ever visit the Austin area - Antonellis is c a l l i n g your name.