Now remember Readers...
5/5 🔥 After all, Readers, words are only words with word meanings.”
Now remember Readers,
If you’re looking for a sapphic novel filled with an eternal dread that always seems perfectly displaced, I may have found the novel for you. Be prepared to enter one of your most Hollywood-esque haunted house nightmares, where if the descriptive imagery doesn’t get you, the ghoulish illustrations throughout the pages might (the drawings are incredible). We should remember, readers, this is only a story written from one author's perspective. Let’s not take this horror tale too seriously and remember…
“After all, Readers, words are only words with word meanings.”
The story follows two timelines; the first being the original haunted story of Brookhants. This is the story of students who attended Brookhants and were “enchanted” by Mary MacLane’s book. This book was passed down from the headmistresses and the curse within took over the school. The second part of the book takes place on the production of the Brookhants movie. It follows the two main actors, Harper Harper and Audrey, as well as, the writer, Merritt. Danforth makes it clear that other professions are not determined by gender, so "actor" should be no different. The movie covers the hauntings at Brookhants, while taking a “Blairwitch Project” type filming. And for some added spice, throw in a little threesome romantics.
This book… THIS BOOK is single-handedly one of the most unique books I have ever read. The interaction with the audience (the footnotes!) mixed with the dramatic fun of following the three main characters (all female and either lesbian or bisexual) makes you feel like you’re experiencing this movie (the story of Brookhants) in real-time (hello, #KarynKusama? Want to pick this up?!). This nearly entirely female cast of characters entranced me from beginning to end. The detailed illustrations added a sinister touch, which added to the imagery, and I now find that all pictures of wasps immediately make me think of yellow-jackets and in turn… Brookhants (pronounced brook-haunts).
Though a work of fiction, readers may be delighted to find out that Mary MacLane’s memoir was very real and released in 1902. If you’re looking for a more in-depth look at the lives of the girls of the time, LGBTQ, and the expectations of women, then please check out “I Await the Devil’s Coming”, MacLanes memoir.
My final thoughts: Who wants to go get a yellow-jacket tattoo with me asap?
- Jess