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Hi... We're Back

Sooo… we’ve been busy coping with life, because life has been complicated.

  1. Stress

  2. Stress

  3. Stress

  4. Spontaneous move down South

  5. Stress

  6. Getting acclimated

  7. Drowning in life

  8. Jess goes home and also is depressy and stressy

  9. Flip gets work anxiety

  10. Lol Jess quits

Hi, it’s Jess. The last couple months have been hard, hence the lack of communication. The last two and a half months have been filled with some chaos. I really threw myself into work, only to be under appreciated and under paid. Flip and I decided to move in mid April to May and were at our new apartment by June 11th. The main reason for moving was for me to be closer to work, with Flip working full remotely, we decided it was important for me to cut my commute in half to enhance our lives and allow more time for ourselves.

Unfortunately, nothing really went smoothly. Not our move or my transition into working my new job full time. We encountered a lot of standard problems when moving into a major city, lack of proper cleaning before move in, dinged furniture, and having to argue with the apartment complex on a whole list of things. Luckily that got way better, our apartment is SO cute and the area is a lot of fun.

Work on the other hand is nonexistent lol. After dealing with a lot of toxic office culture (which I’ll get way into later) I decided that my mental health was more important (many panic attacks previous to this decision) and I quit my job. This wasn’t an easy choice but I’m lucky to have a great support system in place, mainly Flip, who’s hard work and new job has allowed me to make this (hopefully very short term) decision.

Life in general has also been complicated, my therapist is making a fucking killing off of me recently. For reasons that shouldn’t be political, but suddenly are, I’m finding it hard to feel like a real person with a solid future. I have decided to use this time away from work to go fall back into habits that made me feel alive (hi, that’s why I’m writing this now). I often find myself avoiding tough conversations and the hardships of life, but that’s what makes us real. Hi, it’s Jess and I’m now unemployed and battling my mental health - good news is that I’m reading, a fucking lot again so lets get ready for some updated reviews 🤓

Xoxo Jess


Sorry everyone! So I wrote about having a new job in tech sales in earlier posts, but I didn’t detail the work involved. I am part of a new team, commercial sales, and we are still working out the kinks. I am having to work a lot of hours to try to compensate and haven’t been able to read for leisure much/ have leisure at all.

Also, we moved into the city!

Our one bedroom is costing us an arm and a leg, but we wanted to experience “the city life” so we made the switch. I wish the city was more walkable. I still feel like I use a car or motorcycle to get everywhere.

Working from home is awesome though! I workout on lunch. I eat when I want to. Take a nap on lunch if I slept badly. Working remotely is truly life changing.

I have finally finished American Tabloid by James Ellroy. This book is not for the faint of heart. In todays social and political climate, it will hit nerves. I enjoyed it, but found it a hard read with all that is going on in America today. It felt like less of an escape and more of a scripture for the hell we are going to continue.

On to the next, Life for Sale by Yukio Mishima. I see the same thing over and over again on instagram and TikTok for reads. If you are interested in something truly different check this book out. I wanted something like I’ve never read before, and this was it. A soft cover by Yukio Mishima. I am so excited to dive into this book. “... When Henio regained consciousness, everything around him dazzled so brightly he thought he might be in heaven. But a splitting headache lingered at the back of his skull. Surely there were no headaches in heaven.” This first paragraph made me realize this was the book I was searching for.

Stay tuned!



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